Legacy of Dolyn by Amelia Guillem

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Legacy of Dolyn

The Unparalleled Sorcery of a Sorceress

Volume 1

by Amelia Guillem.

full cover Legacy of Dolyn volume 1 by Amelia Guillem

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The Unparalleled Sorcery of a Sorceress Begins!

A coming-of-age fantasy novel about a girl whose birth reawakens evil once again.

22-year-old Glen never asked for powers. So when a bossy cat shows up with a training regime, the gal shows no interest whatsoever. After all, Glen doesn’t believe she has the potential to become a sorceress. The gal prefers her life (simple as it is) without spells or crazy chants. The last thing Glen wants to do is fight the evil that’s ahead of her.

Unfortunately for her, she cannot refuse the offer. She needs to become a dominant sorceress as soon as possible. Otherwise, the fate of the world will be severe if she refuses her destiny.

So does Glen have any options? The first option is to accept the upcoming fate and destruction of the world. Or take the second option: to engage in her task and become a sorceress to save the world as a real heroine.

A Word from the Author

Author Amelia Guillem Gripping. Insane. Wild.

Glendolyn Villem (aka Glen) used to be a 22-year-old secretary. But upon discovering her powers, a mysterious cat comes to train her for the upcoming battle to save the world from darkness. Glen didn’t want to, but the cat insists she has no choice. She needs to become a sorceress as soon as possible so she can save the world on time. Otherwise, the world will end in a flash. The once quirky, moody woman knows her carefree life is over because sorcery is serious business.

Poor Glen cannot catch a lucky break because of her magic.

(Amelia Guillem, September 2018)

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