Travel in Time by Anişoara Laura Musteţiu

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Travel in Time

A Life Story in Poems

by Anişoara Laura Musteţiu

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Written to make you smile, cry, and shudder by the magic of love and of life…

Life experiences are unique and inestimable. And exactly those values I aimed to capture in my poems. Life could be an adventure, a dream, an illusion, or endless love.

TRAVEL IN TIME is not only a collection of poems, it is for you as a reader an experience into a new world, into the world of romantic imagery. Step out in time, there where you will touch with your spirit the Transylvanian green mountains, will listen to the song of a lonely shepherd, and will hear the howling wolfs in the moon’ light. Experience the dazzling depth of emotions, breath the fresh air of a foreign country, meet the Australian bushfire heroes, the homeless man and his parrot, the lonely Kookaburra and perhaps, you will encounter a seldom beauty, the Queen of the Night. Many images, thoughts and emotions you will experience reflect vivid moments from my life.

Perhaps, along the journey, you will encounter familiar situations or places, and maybe you will smile by reminiscing your own adventures, your own memories, your own love story.

A Word from the Author

Two things in my adolescence made my heart jump with joy: reading books and writing poems. Today, while I am writing, I can still see the image of that adolescent reading a book. A smile illuminates her face. The fantasy tale she is in fills the loneliness by which she is surrounded. It seems that she found in the world of books a temporary home that protects her fragile soul. As if she already knew a precious secret: time and books can heal pain.

My book Travel in Time, A Life Story in Poems is a collection of narrative poetry with verses that spring from the tremor of real emotions and happenings. A young woman encounters the first feelings of falling in love; she experiences tenderness and merciless pain. As she loses her first love, she starts to travel the world. Along with the rough challenges of immigration, she will discover the versatile facets of life. The femininity emanated across the poems is part of the socio-cultural contemporaneous phenomenon. Despite suffering, the young woman is independent and driven by the desire to discover the essentiality of life. As a traveller in the world, she mirrors the feminist signifiers of emancipation and empowerment. The character’s thoughts are meant to be profound. Her voice calling for justice is powerful, as much as her feelings, which – even when emanated from far away, from a star – are perceptible clear. Travel in Time, A Life Story in Poems signifies a ‘me time.’ A time to immerse for a while in the world of romantic imaginaries, to reflect and gain a smile when looking into the future.

(Anişoara Laura Musteţiu, May 2020)

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