Not Now, Katrin
The Sequel to ‘The University Club – A Campus Affair’
by Warren Laine-Naida

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Kathy Lawson quietly preps veggie chips at trendy Maples restaurant until she meets Kate Morris who tips her world upside down. It seems a dream come true, until tragedy strikes. Judy, Barb, Alex, Katrin, Jessie – ‘Not Now, Katrin’ picks up where ‘The University Club – a Campus Affair’ left off. A bittersweet behind the scenes glimpse into the life of Chef Jessie Watkin’s favourite blogger, Katrin Lawson. This book includes eight original recipes, as well as passages intended for an adult (18+) audience. Discover more, including Katrin’s playlist from the book, online at notnowkatrin.info.
A Word from the Author
Not Now, Katrin is the sequel to The University Club – A Campus Affair. The story follows Katrin Lawson, the blogger who Jessie Watkins meets in Nice at the end of the book. The question is, who is following whom? I wanted to answer this question in more than a footnote. Readers of both books will have many questions answered, as well as enjoy the eight original recipes. My first novel took many years to realise, and I planned it chapter for chapter. Not Now, Katrin I wrote in two months with no plan other than to tell the story of how they met. The story has a different pace, and I would say is my favourite of the two books. A third book, following the new coffee shop Katrin and Alex run together, is on the drawing board.
(Warren Laine-Naida, October 2020)
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