Aralyn Kraft

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Aralyn Kraft

Author Aralyn Kraft Picture


I was born Tamatha but became Aralyn, one pen and keyboard stroke at a time. You’d think writing was something I do with copious amounts of time among having a job, commuting long distances to and from said job to pay the bills and rent, finding time to do yoga and a light cardio workout in there (roller skate, bicycle, hiking, swimming, or martial arts), as well as pay attention to his highness, the cat. What ever happened to that cute meek little squeaker of a meow he had a decade ago? Now that he’s geriatric, he’s loud, demanding, and more loving than ever; especially at 3am.

Did I mention I’m married? Not to my job or to the cat but to a wonderful man who loves and has supported my decision to start writing over twenty-five years ago and still does today. What took me so long to write the first book? Working three jobs, walking, busing, or biking to work at all hours, studying and of course, lots of research. I can never settle down and work on just one project. No. I have to work on three or four at a time or, believe it or not, I can’t concentrate. Have I finished all the projects I’ve been working on? Not really. But I managed five so far. My latest endeavor is to relax, do some in depth research, release another book, and eat that brownie that’s been staring at me from the kitchen counter top before the geriatric fur ball and I have to have a tug of war.

(Aralyn Kraft, June 2017)


Nothing But Time Series

Book 1 – Better Luck Next Time

Front Cover Better Luck Next Time by Aralyn Kraft








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