Ray Smith

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Author Ray Smith


Having spent most of my life on a working farm in the deep south, my hobbies evolved around the outdoors and being around the water. I started in the construction field at an early age, encouraged by my father and uncle. Since then, I have had the pleasure of building many wonderful projects throughout many great states.

One day a vision popped into my head to write a book, not just any book but a book that would change my life forever. I had never known I would find such peace in writing, especially since English wasn’t a subject that came easily for me in school. I soon discovered that as I was writing I felt an escape from the stress of my world.

It is my hope that people who read my writings enjoy what they read and can relate to the work. I look forward to the opportunity to complete the series and further my love of writing.

(Ray Smith)


The Battle For Heaven’s Gate Series

Book 1: Guardian of the Sheep

front cover Guardian of the sheep by ray smith


