Vivienne Brereton

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Author Vivienne Brereton



I have been passionate about the Tudors and medieval history for as long as I can remember, and this eventually led me to a degree. Living in six different countries in my adult life definitely prepared me for writing a Tudor novel set in four countries. It gives you an insight into the geography, the culture and the people. Writing a historical novel is very similar, except you are going on an exciting time travel adventure into the past.

I am married with three sons who have been very useful (if not always willing) guinea pigs for my attempts at Tudor cookery. They’ve also been a source of inspiration for Tristan and Nicolas, if only to show me how boys fight!

Words have always been part of my life, whether writing, editing, teaching English to foreigners, or just reading as a hobby. After several years of preparation for the writing part and the research, I’ve only recently pursued writing a novel full-time. ‘A Phoenix Rising’ is the result. I do hope you enjoy it.

(Vivienne Brereton, August 2019)


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The Phoenix Rising

Book One: The House of the Red Duke – Power And Passion at the Tudor Court



